Take Immediate Action For Brother Youcef SHARE THIS, please.
On July 1, 2011, in Iran, http://presenttruthmn.com/blog/iran/action-brother-youcef/ (LINK TO ORIGINAL ARTICLE)
and E-Mail this following text IMMEDIATELY to the EMBASSY IN YOUR COUNTRY, please. E-Mail-Adresses will be found below the text. Thank you and God bless you.
Dear ladies and gentlemen of Iran embassy,
we became known, that Mr. Youcef Nadarkhani, in Lakan Prison, close to Rasht, imprisoned since October 12, 2009 is sentenced to death, Supreme Court in Iran upheld his death sentence for Apostasy. He can be executed at any time now.
We do URGENTLY demand the Islamic Republic of Iran IMMEDIATELY to act forcefully to vacate the illegal death sentence against Youcef Nadarkhani for "apostasy". He is a prisoner of conscience, sentenced to die for nothing more than peacefully practicing the religion of his choice. We demand the immediate and unconditional release of Mr. Youcef Nadarkhani.
We also want to ask, as Iran is obligated to contracts in International laws, treaties and convenants to which Iran is a signatory state, how this can be that they don't keep it? Why do they violate International law, to which they are obligated and Supreme Court allows to execute Mr. Youcef Nadarkhani?
Canada: http://www.iranembassy.ca/en/enContactUsWebForm.aspx
United Kingdom: http://www.iran-embassy.org.uk/page/?m=vc&i=9
Australia: http://www.iranembassy.org.au/english_AU/information.aspx
New Zealand: http://www.nzembassy.com/iran/about-embassy/contact-us
South Africa: http://www.iranembassy.org.za/
Germany: http://www.iranembassy.de/ger/contact.htm
Netherlands: http://iranianembassy.nl/en/index.php?content=12000
If your country is not listed here just perform a Google search with Iranian Ambassador and put in the country that you live in. Of course the United States does not have diplomatic relations so we do not have an ambassador. For those who live in the United States I recommend you phone, email and fax your request that they take action immediately in this case. Go to http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact
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